Exchange and refund

Ticket refund

Please refer to the conditions indicated on your ticket to find out if it is refundable or eligible for a travel-credit.

To get a refund, the portion of ticket to be refunded must be totally unused. By portion of a ticket, we mean the whole one-way and/or the whole round trip. At departure time, the ticket expires automatically and cannot be credited or refunded.

The refund conditions of a ticket bought with a promo code can be different.
The extra baggage fee cannot be refunded or credited.

Refund options

If the ticket is refundable, and if the request is submitted before departure time, you may choose between two types of refund.

  1. You could get a travel-credit equivalent to 100% of the value of the ticket or of the unused portion of the ticket if you bought the ticket online with a client account.
  2. You could get a refund in Canadian dollars of 75% of the value of the ticket or of the unused portion of the ticket (25% administrative fees):
    1. If you bought the ticket online or over the phone with the Client Service, the refund can be credited to the credit card that was used for the purchase.
    2. If you bought the ticket at an agency, the refund can be made by cheque or credited to the credit card that was used for the purchase.

How can I submit a refund request?

  • online, by loggin into your client account.
  • through our Contact Fom